Odjel za sociologiju


Cepić, Dražen, Tonković, Željka (2020). How social ties transcend class boundaries? Network variability as tool for exploring occupational homophily. Social Networks, 62, 33-42.

Ančić, Branko, Domazet, Mladen, Iljić-Župarić, Drago (2019). "For my health and for my friends": Exploring motivation, sharing, environmentalism, resilience and class structure of food self-provisioning. Geoforum, 106: 68-77.

Doolan, Karin, Cepić, Dražen, Walton, Jeremy F. (2019). Charity's dilemmas: an ethnography of gift-giving and social class in Croatia. Journal of Organizational Ethnography 8 (1): 11-24.

Cepić, Dražen, Doolan, Karin. (2018). Prikaz suvremenih socioloških istraživanja društvenih klasa: teme, teorije i metode. Revija za sociologiju 48 (2): 239-265 .

Cepić, Dražen, Doolan, Karin. 2017. Contemporary social class research: overlaps and disruptions. Working paper.

Doolan, Karin. 2017. Class analysis: theoretical approaches and debates. Working paper.