Full Professor
dipl. soc. (graduate sociologist) (Zagreb), PhD (Vienna)
Department of Sociology
University of Zadar
Šime Vitasovića 1
HR-23000 Zadar, Croatia
Tel. + 385 (0)23 200 748
Academic interests
Migration and post-migration processes,
Social relations and emotions
Ethnic relations
Nation and nationalism
Transnational processes and social space
List of published articles and reports and conference presentations
Professional affiliations:
- Member of the editorial board of the scientific journal Revija za sociologiju, 2001 – 2007
- Member of the Presidency of the Croatian Sociological Association 2005 – 2009
- Member of the editorial board of the scientific journal Sociologija i prostor, 2007 – 2015
- Organising director of the international postgraduate course Divided Societies, Interuniversity Centre Dubrovnik, 2010 –
- President of the Croatian Sociological Association, 2013 – 2015
- Head of the Department of Sociology, University of Zadar, 2012 – 2017
- Member of the editorial board of the Sociological Review Library
- Member of the Sceintific Comittee of the scientific journal Autonomie Locali e Servizi Sociali , 2012 –
- Member of the Sceintific Comittee of the scientific journal Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, 2013 – 2020
- Associate Editor of the scientific journal Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, 2020 –
- Head of the Joint International Doctoral Studies Sociology of Regional and Local Development (University of Zadar, University of Teramo), 2013 – 2020
Recent publications
Božić, Saša (2021) Interaction Ritual Chains and Sustainability of Lockdowns, Quarantines, “Social Distancing” and Isolation during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Sociologija i prostor 59 (2021) 219 Special Issue: 13-34.
Božić, Saša and Kuti, Simona (2019) “Social Space and Transnational Social Space: How to Explore a Missing Link?“, Sociologija i prostor 57(1):5–22.
Božić, Saša and Kuti, Simona (2018) “Europska politika integracije migranata: od standardiziranja mjera za zemlje Europske unije prema integracijskom servisu utemeljenom na društvenoznanstvenim spoznajama“, Revija za sociologiju 48(1):49–75.
Ronald J. Pohoryles, R. J. and Božić, S. (eds.) (2017) Towards a European Society. Boundaries, Borders, Barriers. London: Routledge
Božić, Saša and Kuti, Simona (2016) "New international borders old social spaces: Transnational migrant networks across the boundaries of post-socialist Croatia", Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie / Austrian Journal of Sociology 41(4): 409;426
Kuti, S. i Božić, S. (2016) Transnacionalni socijalni prostori. Migrantske veze preko granica Hrvatske. Zagreb: Jesenski i Turk
Recent conference papers and invited lectures
"Rekonfiguracija društvenog prostora nakon pandemije bolesti COVID-19: globalizacija-deglobalizacija ili višerazinska kompleksnost?"/Reconfiguration of Societal Space after COVID-19 pandemic: Globalisation-Deglobalisation or Multilevel Complexity?/, VIII National Congress of the Croatian Sociological Association, Hrvatsko društvo i COVID-19 pandemija: kriza kao prilika? /Croatian Society and COVID-19 Pandemic: Crisis as an Opportunity/ 20-21 May 2021, online conference (together with Simona Kuti)
“Nationalism and the Transformation Narrative in the Balkans”, international online conference “Narratives in Times of Radical Transformation”, Berin, Kyoto, 19 – 20 November 2020
“Migration: Social Control of Space, Time and Bodies“ and “Societial Configurations Across Borders and States“, IUC Dubrovnik, postgraduate course Divided Societies: Migration, Borders and the State, 5 – 12 May 2019
“Transnational Social Space in the Time of 'Renationalisation': Migrant Social Ties across the Boundaries of South East Europe“, 21 September 2018, Norwegian University for Science and Technology, Trondheim
“Nationalism and Transnationalism: Opposite, Mutually Reinforcing or Unrelated?“, IUC Dubrovnik, postgraduate course Divided Societies: Old and New Nationalisms, 6 – 13 May 2018
"Transnational Social Spaces as Facilitators of Migration: Social Ties and Mobilities across Croatian Borders" (together with Simona Kuti), International Conference "A search for that special place under the sun in modern Europe: migration in the twenty first century", Zagreb, 25 May 2018
"Superdiversity - A New Framework for Migrant Integration in the EU?", International Conference "Inclusion and Integration in Diverse Societies: Open Inclusive Dialogue as the Precondition for Successful Inclusion and Integration of Minorities and Migrants", Ljubljana, 27 January 2018
"What can EU policy makers learn from social science research on migrant integration?", International Conference, International Migration: Trends and Challenges, IUC Dubrovnik, 2 June 2017 (invited lecture)
"Memories as Constituents of Diasporic Practices", IUC Dubrovnik, postgraduate course Divided Societies: Memory Wars, 7-14 May 2017
"Nejednakosti u transnacionalnim socijalnim prostorima" /Inequalities in Transnational Social Spaces/, (together with Simona Kuti) National Congress of Croatian Sociological Association, Struktura i dinamika društvenih nejednakosti /Structure and Dynamics of Social Inequalities/, Zagreb, 7-8 April 2017
"What can EU policy makers learn from social science research on migrant integration?", International Conference, International Migration: Trends and Challenges, IUC Dubrovnik, 2 June 2017 (invited lecture)
"Memories as Constituents of Diasporic Practices", IUC Dubrovnik, postgraduate course Divided Societies: Memory Wars, 7-14 May 2017
"Nejednakosti u transnacionalnim socijalnim prostorima" /Inequalities in Transnational Social Spaces/, (together with Simona Kuti) National Congress of Croatian Sociological Association, Struktura i dinamika društvenih nejednakosti /Structure and Dynamics of Social Inequalities/, Zagreb, 7-8 April 2017