Krešimir Krolo, PhD
Associate Professor
Prof. (University of Zadar), dr.sc. (University of Zadar and University of Teramo)
Department of Sociology
University of Zadar
Šime Vitasovića 1
23 000 Zadar
tel. 385(0) (0)23 200-567
Krešimir Krolo is Associate Professor at the University of Zadar's Department of Sociology. He acquired his PhD at the international joint doctoral study SocReg (Sociology of regional and local development) with the topic of social capital and internet social network usage of youth in Croatia. His research interests are in the sociology of youth, sociology of media and sociology of culture while also advocating for programs and policies that nurture the social inclusivity of youth, as well as other vulnerable social groups in the decision-making processes and management of local communities. Currently he is collaborating on the project “Media education is important.MOV” and on the application for an international project “DigInclusive” which both aim to raise informational, media and technical literacy with an emphasis on socially vulnerable groups.
List of published articles, reports and conference presentations
Selected projects:
(2021 – 2023) Researcher on the project „Media education is important.MOV“ (Europan social fund)
(2020 - 2022) Researcher on the project “The resilience of the Croatian society in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic” (Croatian Science Foundation)
(2016 – 2020) Researcher on the project “Social stratification in Croatia: structural and subjective aspects“ (Croatian Science Foundation)
(2014 – 2016) Coordinator and project leader „ Cultural preferences and cultural capital of youth in cities on the Adriatic coast“ (Department of Sociology)
Professional affiliations:
Member of the Sociology of media section (Croatian Sociological Association)