Josip Brković, mag.soc.
mag. soc. (University of Zadar)
Department of Sociology
University of Zadar
Šime Vitasovića 1
23 000 Zadar
Josip Brković is a teaching and research assistant at the University of Zadar’s Department of Sociology, where he also earned an MA degree by finishing the Joint International Master's Programme in Cultural Sociology. He defended his thesis under the supervision of dr. sc. Krešimir Krolo (Sociological Perspectives on the Relation of Economy and Social Control With respect to the Origins and Modernity of the Welfare State). He gained previous work experience in the civil sector and the Croatian Bureau of Statistics. His scientific interests include critical theory and the study of power relations in society, aimed at understanding social inequalities. He conducts seminars and exercises for methodological courses with a focus on quantitative research methods and data analysis. He also publishes critical texts in the fields of culture, work, media and related topics (,
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