Doc. dr. sc. Dražen Cepić
Assistant Professor
prof. (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb), mag. (CEU Budapest), dr.sc (EUI Florence)
Department of Sociology
University of Zadar
Obala kralja Petra Krešimira IV, br. 2
23 000 Zadar
tel. 385(0) (0)23 200-681
I am an Assistant Professor at the Department of Sociology, University of Zadar, where I have worked since 2016. Prior to that I was a postdoctoral researcher at the universities of Birmingham and Oxford. In 2013 I obtained my doctorate in social and political sciences from the European University Institute in Florence (I have since published my doctoral thesis with Routledge). Besides that, I have studied at universities in Zagreb, Berlin, and Vienna, as well as at the Central European University in Budapest where I completed an MA in sociology and social anthropology. I am currently leading a 5-year research project financed by the Croatian Science Foundation. I am interested in topics related to: sociological aspects of fisheries and natural resource management; the intersection between class inequalities, identities, and sociability; social network analysis (homophily, friendship, loneliness); and social process of valuation (symbolic boundaries, corruption, alternative metrics of worth).
List of published articles, reports and conference presentations
Selected projects:
2021-2026. Principal investigator, Department of Sociology, University of Zadar. Croatian Science Foundation-funded project “Sustainable fishing: social relations, identity and co-management of Adriatic fishery resources”
2020-2021. Research associate, Institute of Social Research, Zagreb. Croatian Science Foundation-funded project “The social resilience of Croatian society in the midst and aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic“
2016-2020. Postdoctoral researcher/Research associate, Department of Sociology, University of Zadar. Croatian Science Foundation-funded project “Social stratification in Croatia: structural and subjective aspects”
2014-2016. Postdoctoral researcher, International Development Department, University of Birmingham. Leverhulme Trust-funded project “Networking for fisheries co-management on Lake Victoria, East Africa”
2013. Visiting research fellow, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Oxford. ERC-funded project “Media and democracy in Central and Eastern Europe”
Professional affiliations:
Departmental Coordinator, CEEPUS (Central European Exchange Program for University Studies), Department of Sociology, University of Zadar, 2020-present.
Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal “Croatian Sociological Review” 2019-present.